A Conservation Report About the Elusive Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis are some of Uganda's unique birds, found exclusively in the country

A Survey of The Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis in Eastern Uganda

A survey of the Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis in Eastern Uganda: Northeastern Uganda is home to two important bird species: the Fox’s Weaver (Ploceus spekeoides) and the Karamoja Apalis (Apalis karamojae). While the Karamoja Apalis is a rare, unique species of East Africa, the Fox’s Weaver is the sole endemic bird species in Uganda. Their current distribution, population status, and preferred habitat have all been surveyed recently in an effort to better inform conservation efforts.The Fox’s Weaver, Ploceus spekeoides, is Uganda’s only endemic bird species (Carswell et al., 2005). The species is named after Harold Munro Fox, an English zoologist who first collected the species in 1913 at Usuk and Ngarium, Katakwi district, during July and August.

Survey objectives of the Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis

The main objectives of the surveys were:

The following were the main goals of the surveys:

1. To ascertain the range and current population sizes of Karamoja Apalis and Fox’s Weaver.

2. To determine the essential habitats and ecological needs of these species.

3. To offer suggestions for conservation-related initiatives.

4. To evaluate any risks to their environments and populations.

Methodology of  the Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis

Area of Study

Nature Uganda, with assistance from the Uganda Bird Guides Club (UBGC), carried out the surveys from May to August (Keith and Fry, 2004). To gather information on bird sightings, nests, and habitat features, the team employed line transects and point counts. The districts of Kumi, Katakwi, Ngora, Soroti, Napak, and the environs of Pian-Upe and Bokora-Matheniko wildlife reserves, as well as the seasonally flooded plains of Teso Sub-region, were included in the study areas.

Distribution and Population

The Fox’s Weaver was thought to have a moderately small population and is suspected of being declining due to activities such as habitat destruction, swamp drainage, and cattle grazing. Surveys have recorded 66 individuals, with the majority being males. The species was rediscovered in 2018 after being unrecorded for over 20 years. The surveys documented new breeding colonies in the seasonally flooded wetlands around Lakes Bisina and Opeta. The species was found nesting in trees within wetlands or over water, preferring papyrus swamps with nearby trees.

Habitat and Ecology

During the primary rainy season, Fox’s Weaver breeds most often. Observations suggest that during the dry season, the species may travel north to South Sudan. Seasonally flooded grasslands in which Vachellia drepanolobium (Whistling-thorn Acacia) predominates are among the ideal habitats. There were 3% of Fox’s Weaver sightings in arid regions, but 97% of sightings and nesting records were made in seasonal wetlands. Notably, feeding records at the same locations frequently showed coexistence between Fox’s weaver and Karamoja Apalis. Mostly Acacia-dominated, periodically flooded woodland grasslands define the seasonal wetlands in northeastern Uganda.

Diet and foraging habits

Although little is known about the species’ eating habits, it is known that it consumes seeds and ants (Keith & Fry, 2004). The bird’s breeding ecology has been fairly thoroughly investigated, and it is believed to take place from May to August. According to the Fox’s Weaver Expedition Report (2018), the species’ preferred place to build nests is on standing Whistling-thorn acacia trees. Nests measure 140 mm in length and 80 mm in height. There is no entrance tunnel and the opening is 45 mm by 50 mm (Keith and Fry, 2004).

Threats of the Fox’s Weaver in Eastern Uganda

Wetland draining, climate change, and habitat loss from increased agriculture are the main risks facing the Fox’s Weaver. To safeguard the existence of the species and preserve the remaining habitats, conservation activities are required. The species is listed as Endangered on the national red list (WCS, 2016) and as Near-threatened both worldwide and regionally (BirdLife, 2017). Habitat change and destruction pose a hazard to this bird species. Every year during the dry season (October to February), more than 20,000 cattle heads migrate to the Opeta region in search of pasture and water, which damages the woodland grasslands that the species depends on for reproduction (Byaruhanga et al. 2001).

Karamoja Apalis

The beautiful Karamoja Apalis perched on the Whistling-thorn Acacia in northeastern Uganda.

Distribution and Population

The region where the Karamoja Apalis is found is limited to northern Tanzania, southern Kenya, and northeastern Uganda. It can be found in the Ugandan districts of Moroto, Napak and areas of Kidepo Valley National Park. The population is expected to decrease as a result of habitat deterioration. Like the Fox’s weaver, the Karamoja Apalis was observed in edaphic woodland grasslands with an abundance of acacia trees. The species has also been observed consuming insects from the Whistling-thorn Acacia. People were frequently observed feeding next to Fox’s Weaver. Records indicate that seventeen (17) people completed the survey. Of these, five (5) were female and twelve (12) were male. Eight birds—the majority—were found in Napak, five in Katakwi, two in Amuria, and two in Soroti.

Habitat and Ecology

The predominant tree species in the regions where Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis were found was the Whistling-thorn Acacia. The species’ preferred Acacia for use as a nesting tree is this one. It was shown that both species coexisted well with the Whistling-thorn Acacia, preying on ants (Crematogaster mimosae). The Karamoja Apalis lives in meadows with woods that are primarily home to Vachellia drepanolobium. It has been sporadically documented since its initial discovery in 1919. The ecology and population dynamics of the species are little understood, calling for more investigation.

Threats of the Karamoja Apalis in Eastern Uganda

Like the Fox’s Weaver, the Karamoja Apalis is threatened by habitat loss and degradation brought on by expanding agriculture, wetland draining, climate change, human settlement, and developments that damage breeding sites and disrupt the ecosystem.  Its conservation is greatly concerned about the shrinking area and declining quality of its chosen environment. BirdLife (2017) reports that the Karamoja Apalis is locally endangered (WCS, 2016) yet globally and regionally vulnerable.

Breeding Records

In the Districts of Amuria and Katakwi, eight (8) sites were home to 168 nests in total. The majority of the nests were dormant, with 51% of them being active. Nests built on Whistling-thorn Acacia Vachellia drepanolobium were all that were documented. The majority of the nests were built on trees that were submerged in water or close to it. It was seen in the field that although females evaluate and select the best nests, males appear to construct the majority of them.

Amuria and Katakwi, two important districts, were found to have active nests. 42 active nests were the highest number found at the locations in Magoro, Katakwi, indicating the sites’ significance for weaver breeding.  The quantity of active nests identified in the locations examined in August 2019.

A focused conservation strategy that includes habitat preservation, community involvement, and continuous research benefits both the Fox’s Weaver and the Karamoja Apalis. For these rare bird species to survive in Eastern Uganda, these activities are essential.

Conservation Efforts of the Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis in Eastern Uganda

The protection and restoration of habitats, the involvement of the local community in sustainable practices, and continual research to track the populations and ecological requirements of the species should be the main goals of conservation efforts in order to lessen the effects of these threats. We can contribute to the survival of the Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis in Eastern Uganda by tackling these risks. The distribution, population status, and preferred habitats of the Fox’s Weaver and Karamoja Apalis have been greatly enriched by the surveys conducted on these two species. Nonetheless, sustained efforts are required to guarantee their preservation and safeguard Eastern Uganda’s exceptional biodiversity. These results underline how crucial it is to continue conservation efforts and study in order to protect these uncommon and endemic bird species.


1. Research and Monitoring: Keep an eye on population trends and ecological needs by conducting frequent surveys. Understanding these species’ migratory movements and breeding ecology will require more study.

2. Habitat Protection: Put policies in place to save and rebuild important habitats for both species, especially the woodland grasslands and wetlands that flood periodically.

3. Policy and Advocacy: Promote legislation that addresses the effects of climate change on these ecosystems and safeguards important habitats.

4. Community Engagement: Through awareness campaigns and sustainable land-use techniques, involve nearby communities in conservation initiatives.

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